
"Progress for All…"

"Progress for All...", 1999, Acrylic on Canvas Mounted on Hardboard, 16 x 13 in., by David Jay Spyker

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Acrylic on Canvas
Mounted on Hardboard
16 x 13 in.

art, painting, surrealism, acrylics, dead, tree, bird house, bricks, chimney, smoke stack

"Progress for All...", 1999, Acrylic on Canvas Mounted on Hardboard, Detail, by David Jay Spyker

magnified detail – click to enlarge

"Winter Murder"

"Winter Murder", 2012, Acrylics on Canvas, 30 x 42 in., by David Jay Spyker

click to enlarge
art, painting, acrylics, winter, snow, landscape, crows, clouds, moody, corn field, trees, row

"Winter Murder", 2012, Acrylics on Canvas, Detail, by David Jay Spyker

detail – click to enlarge

2012, Acrylic on Canvas, 30 x 42 in.

Southwest Michigan Watercolor Society Award, 2013, Michigan Artist’s Competition, Art Center of Battle Creek; Battle Creek, Michigan

"Summer Taking Her Leave, Pre-Study"

"Summer Taking Her Leave, Study Drawings", 2001, Graphite on Paper, 14 x 11 in., by David Jay Spyker

click to enlarge

Graphite on Paper
14 x 11 in.

Study drawings for “Summer Taking Her Leave” – a page from one of the artist’s bound sketchbooks.

art, drawing, figure, forest, autumn

"Wyeth Tree"

"Wyeth Tree", 2010, Watercolor and Drybrush on Paper, 12 1/8 x 9 in., by David Jay Spyker

click to enlarge

Watercolor and Drybrush on Paper (Arches 140 lb. Cold Pressed)
12 1/8 x 9 in.

A study piece based on the woods in one of Andrew Wyeth’s Helga paintings.

art, painting, tree, autumn, fall, forest


"Barricade", 2010, Drybrush and Watercolor, 12 1/2 x 11 in., by David Jay Spyker

click to enlarge

Drybrush and Watercolor on Paper (Fabriano Artistico 300 lb. Cold Pressed)
12 1/2 x 11 in.

art, painting, landscape, beach, dunes, sand, grass, dead, trees, summer

"Barricade", 2010, Drybrush and Watercolor, Detail, by David Jay Spyker
detail – click to enlarge


"Quarry", 2011, Drybrush and Watercolor on Paper, 22 1/2 x 15 in., by David Jay Spyker

click to enlarge

Drybrush and Watercolor on Paper
22 1/2 x 15 in.

art, painting, landscape, ridge, rocks, hill, trees, autumn
"Quarry", 2011, Drybrush and Watercolor on Paper, Detail, by David Jay Spyker

detail – click to enlarge


"Homeward", 2011, Mixed Media on Paper, 9 x 15 3/8 in., by David Jay Spyker

click to enlarge

Watercolor, Drybrush, Ink, Charcoal, and Black and Sienna Conte on Paper (Arches 300 lb. Cold Pressed)
9 x 15 3/8 in.

art, painting, mixed media, trees, field, fog, night, moonlight


"Channel", 2011, Watercolor and Drybrush on Paper, 11 5/16 x 16 1/8 in., by David Jay Spyker

click to enlarge

Watercolor and Drybrush on Paper (Arches 300 lb. Cold Pressed)
11 5/16 x 16 1/8 in.

art, painting, rocks, shore, hills, water

"Trout Run Rock Fall"

"Trout Run Rock Fall", 2010, Watercolor/Drybrush on Paper, 12 x 12 in., by David Jay Spyker

click to enlarge

Watercolor and Drybrush on Paper (Lanaquarelle 140 lb. Cold Pressed)
12 x 12 in.

art, painting, waterfall, river, stream, brook, creek, rocks


"Northbound", 2010, Watercolor/Drybrush on Paper, 21 x 28 3/4 in., by David Jay Spyker

click to enlarge

Watercolor and Drybrush on Paper (Arches 300 lb. Cold Pressed)
21 x 28 3/4 in.

art, painting, landscape, railroad, tracks, forest, autumn, fall

"Northbound", 2010, Watercolor/Drybrush on Paper, Detail, by David Jay Spyker 

detail – click to enlarge

Click to read a blog article on this painting.

"Until There Is Nothing Left"

"Until There Is Nothing Left", 1999, Acrylics on Canvas Mounted on Hardboard, 7 x 7 in., by David Jay Spyker

click to enlarge

Acrylic on Canvas Mounted on Hardboard
8 x 13 in.

art, painting, desert, wrecking ball

"Hope, Sketchbook Study"

"Hope, Sketchbook Study", 1997, Graphite on Paper, Preliminary study for the painting "Hope" - excerpt from one of the artist's sketchbooks, by David Jay Spyker

click to enlarge

Graphite on Paper
c. 5 1/2 in. high
Collection of the Artist

, art, drawing, tree

Preliminary study for the painting “Hope” – excerpt from one of the artist’s bound sketchbooks.

"Approaching Storm (A Landscape Study)"

"Approaching Storm (A Landscape Study)", 2009, Acrylics on Canvas, 7 x 9 in., by David Jay Spyker

click to enlarge

Acrylic on Canvas
7 x 9 in.
Private Collection: Ceresco, Michigan

art, painting, rain, clouds, distant hills, grass, grassy field


"Niagara", 2009, Acrylic Wash, Drybrush, and Paint on Cotton Watercolor Paper, 8 1/2 x 5 1/2 in., by David Jay Spyker

click to enlarge

Acrylic Wash, Drybrush, and Paint on Cotton Watercolor Paper
8 1/2 x 5 1/2 in.

waterfalls, falls, water, landscapes


"Someday", 2005, Acrylics on Hardboard, 3 15/16 x 5 15/16 in., by David Jay Spyker

click to enlarge

Acrylic on Hardboard
3 15/16 x 5 15/16 in.
Private Collection: Kalamazoo, Michigan

, art, painting, landscape, water, dusk, twilight

"Building Empires"

"Building Empires", 1998, Acrylics on Canvas, 34 x 40 in., by David Jay Spyker

click to enlarge

“David Jay Spyker’s ‘Building Empires’, which won the second place prize, is a meticulously detailed image rendered with a quasi-Renaisannce style and palette. The viewer looks through a crumbling window, the ledge of which swarms with bugs and fruit. In the distance is a timeless city on the water’s edge, below an oddly menacing sunset. It’s a strong allegorical painting that, unlike straightforward realism, mystifies more than it clarifies.”

– Amy Sult, from an exhibition review published on Sunday, April 4, 1999 in the Kalamazoo Gazette

Acrylic on Canvas
34 x 40 in.
Private Collection: Holland, Michigan

award, art, painting, ruins, dusk, twilight, pomegranates, ants, windows, landscape, shore, water, bay, mortality, history, civilization

2nd Place Award, 1999, Regional Fine Arts Competition, Carnegie Center for the Arts; Three Rivers, Michigan

4th Place Award, 1999, 20th Michigan Artists’ Competition, Art Center of Battle Creek, Battle Creek, Michigan


"Building Empires" (detail), 1998, Acrylics on Canvas, 34 x 40 in., by David Jay Spyker

detail – click to enlarge

"The Haven (In Memory of Martin Maddox, 1954-1997)"

"The Haven (In Memory of Martin Maddox, 1954-1997)", 1998, Acrylics on Panel, 24 x 36 in., by David Jay Spyker

click to enlarge

Acrylic on Panel
24 x 36 in.
Collection of the South Bend Museum of Art, South Bend, Indiana

award, art, painting, tornadoes, field, storms, fence, house, wind, mortality, death, remembrance, memory, museum, collection

2nd Place Award, 1998, 19th Michigan Artist’s Competition, Art Center of Battle Creek; Battle Creek, Michigan

“Particularly impressive is ‘The Haven’, a piece that employs the most severe of Midwestern weather phenomena as allegory. The piece was painted in response to the passing of Spyker’s friend and mentor, Martin Maddox. It shows a simple farmhouse, windows lit but shades drawn. Its white clapboard seem to glow in the dark scenery, and it’s anchored in a field with grass that swirls like waves beneath a boiling, menacing sky that is spouting twin tornadoes. It’s hard to decide whether the occupants of the house are truly in a state of guarded safety or if the shades are drawn in a state of obliviousness to the impending danger, an uncertainty that adds an extra air of mystery and edginess to a compelling painting.”– Amy Sult, from “Regional flavor prevails in Carnegie Center competition”,
published on Sunday, April 12, 1998 in the Kalamazoo Gazette

"The Haven (In Memory of Martin Maddox, 1954-1997)" (detail), 1998, Acrylics on Panel, 24 x 36 in., by David Jay Spyker

detail – click to enlarge


Martin Maddox Website

"The Stone"

"The Stone", 1999, Acrylics on Canvas Mounted on Hardboard, 9 1/2 x 8 3/8 in., by David Jay Spyker

click to enlarge

Acrylic on Canvas Mounted on Hardboard
9 1/2 x 8 3/8 in.

, art, painting, landscape, rock, stone, mist, fog, field

"Heartland (Prospecting for Gold)"

"Heartland (Prospecting for Gold)", 2000, Acrylics on Canvas, 32 x 48 in., by David Jay Spyker

click to enlarge

Acrylic on Canvas
32 x 48 in.
Corporate Collection: Pfizer

award, art, painting, canoes, boats, wheat, field, storms, rain, lightning, telescope, landscape, figures, man, standing

Pharmacia Corporation Purchase Award, 2000, Michigan Artist’s Competition, Art Center of Battle Creek;
Battle Creek, Michigan

"Heartland (Prospecting for Gold)" (detail), 2000, Acrylics on Canvas, 32 x 48 in., by David Jay Spyker

detail – click to enlarge

"Tuesday (May 13, 1980)"

"Tuesday (May 13, 1980)", 2000, Acrylics on Canvas, 12 x 20 in., by David Jay Spyker

click to enlarge

Acrylic on Canvas
12 x 20 in.

, art, painting, tornado, tornadoes, houses, storm, landscape, sky, field

"Waiting for the Tide"

"Waiting for the Tide", 2000, Acrylics on Canvas Mounted on Hardboard, 12 x 10 in., by David Jay Spyker

click to enlarge

Acrylic on Canvas Mounted on Hardboard
12 x 10 in.
Private Collection: Saugatuck, Michigan

, art, painting, sea, shore, figure, cloaked, robed, night, clouds, water, solitary, solitude, alone

"The Curator’s Choice"

"The Curator's Choice", 2000, Acrylics on Canvas Mounted on Hardboard, 7 x 9 in., by David Jay Spyker

click to enlarge

Acrylic on Canvas Mounted on Hardboard
7 x 9 in.
Private Collection: Dexter, Michigan

, art, painting, landscape, man, river, building, night, shore, water, figure, solitary, solitude, alone

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